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(錘 Nh顅1u3u鮦篘kX橯 This section to be filled in by the applicant) 3u鮦篘覻 T 3u鮦篘5u輯 Name of Applicant (Telephone Number) 3u鮦篘愥O0W@W Institution of Applicant (Address of Applicant) 3u鮦ZPZS隭T剉USMO (Institution to which the applicant is applying) (Address of the institution) 魜╟P兒N To the Referee ^8^a"尐`?aa:N3u鮦篘ZP╟P兒N0鮦╜(W虁bh-N鵞3u鮦篘錘_褃x錧\O蔛f[/g4ls^0褃x錧\O齹汻I{\O鶴膵鱊 v^ c Nb梽v0W@W\,g 0N禰╟P冡O 0愞V賬3u鮦篘0 You are named by the applicant as a referee for his/her application of postdoctoral pos "<>@J^`jlnv . 4 5 N O P v p r   6 @ J L N P R T 蜴蜴蜣滓艘滓坡鉸菇孤綽孤綽坡拚ζ懫瘜瘱茤 h|o( h.o(jh.CJUmHnHuh% h%o( h繿o( h+ho(h+h h趉o(h刡 h刡o( h >>*o( h刡>* h刡>*o(h刡5乗乷(h,ohH?5丆JaJh,ohH?5丆JaJo(6>@nt v t v 8 : L P R $a$gd.gd. 劙WDX`劙gd.YD2gd%YD2gd刡 劋WD`劋gd刡gd刡$a$gd刡$a$gd,o >@BDF\^df~R> ^   瘐膈驄嬤茵茵勿忠鷚鷚鶘趵勾勾蹺矮惟拔矮偉濰濰偉濰韋螡h@w]h刡CJaJo( h刡CJo( h琝o(U h >o(h > h刡>* h刡>*o(h刡>*CJo( h+ho(h刡h%jh.CJUmHnHu h繿o( h.o( h%o( h刡o( h哅8o(7 @BDR$剬 G$H$WD[$\$`剬 a$gd@w]$剉G$H$WD,[$\$`剉a$gd@w]$G$H$WD,[$\$`a$gd刡$勑G$H$WD,[$\$`勑a$gd刡gd刡$a$gd.ition in the listed institution. We would appreciate your opinion of his /her academic performance capability and potential in research work. Please directly send this form to the institution to which he/she is applying or return it to the applicant with envelope sealed. If you prefer to write a personal letter rather than this form, please feel free to do so and attach this form to your letter. (錘 Nh顅1u╟P兒NkX橯) The following to be filled in by the referee ╟P兒N覻 T (Name of Referee) ╟P兒NLbL饄 (Position and Title) ╟P兒N錧\OUSMO (Institution and Address) ╟P兒NN3u鮦篘剉sQ鹼 (Relationship with the Applicant) ╟P兒N5u輯 ╟P兒N Ow (Telephone Number) (Facsimile) ╟Pa翂Recommendation ╟P兒N~{W[ ╟P冨eg (Signature) (Date)       "$&(*^tvxz|<Nv脒輿沁脒踴輿沁脒輿沁脒影輿н脒輿踴輿棎媶~恥恥h刡>*CJo(hTsh鴎o( h繿o( hko( h刡CJo(jh刡CJUmHnHuh繿CJaJo(h@w]h刡CJaJh@w]h鸅~CJaJo(h@w]hXMCJaJo(h@w]h刡CJaJo(h@w]h刡CJaJo((jh@w]h刡CJUaJmHnHu.&*^`x|$G$H$WD[$\$`a$gd@w]$剬 G$H$WD[$\$`剬 a$gd@w]$剉G$H$WD,[$\$`剉a$gd@w]$勦d,G$H$WD[$\$`勦a$gd鴎$勦dDG$H$WD[$\$`勦a$gd鴎$刋G$H$WD,[$\$`刋a$gd刡x gdXM 勜 WDx`勜 gd趉$G$H$WD,[$\$`a$gd刡  獒葆葆葆蓍h4Vjh4VUh刡h刡o( h刡CJo( h趉CJo( 0182P皞. 捌A!"#悹$悹%癝班 惄b 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~PJ_HmH nHsH tHJ`J 刡ck噀 $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tHXX 刡h槝 1 $$ & FdB@&5丆J$KH,PJ\乤J,\\ 刡h槝 2 $$ & Fd@&5丆JOJPJQJ\乤J PP 刡h槝 3 $$ & Fd@&5丆J\乤J ZZ 刡h槝 4 $$ & Fdx"@&CJOJPJQJ\乤J$A $ 貫祂=刉[SOBiB nf恏贗3縗`?/[G歿\!-跼k.搒曰..椃碼嬋?PK!ブх6 _rels/.rels剰蟡0 囷吔冄}Q頤%v/C/(h"脎O 劋秣=畫旂 毆免C?薶醰=偵叅%[xp啠{鄣_糚眩<10堎O糝瓸d焉襃E4b$q_槥6L籲R7`畯ㄉ趁0虨O,錏n7擫i鋌〃/鉙綈╡械根鑄PK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml 蘉 @醹愘7c(Eb菜CA菭覠圩邈7蕪諞K Y, 奺.埛饇,ㄚH,l崆駢x紗逫萻Q}#諓叚遞 值+!,較$j=婫W櫨)釫+& 8PK!mQtheme/theme/theme1.xml靁MoE#F{oc'vGuh覨盵糟x=逎zvg53Nj廐H垈z飴昛 $石I)*E闠酀欇鮊&IA!裎>秣羌3緓镹男>掤擱U蟇L0斈屵嚦z迃rx鰾脅稔h9T8奣/魁煜?鍃Y雒'蟸3S琦棌~蜩鶅O_|w)餶鎘圚t=乤+d NG1-Rl苼1諶J鴚T錩疢1Kc柩"o he浪撣幝絇L-憒%絎臙甴Y7'qP.\L姼=岟薲穛炷3I爋fi墸.帽墘BRb-J款P_p蒅 茛▍i㎏鷗郿訉h汧梚櫷o7;7Q嫵2染媱珼>a/銐翾>嶺厭W 藬霱卂膗H剄)薶 胺+:Vi豾4r態裶汐橌"r嫃!帓2l徠a麃C奲此U|嚮!8^顩8>軤仯,A魶壭眲V韙鄨讕厏ls囔14犁_=,澀返o聻TV 跥陲"苧鎎H唼灮'.4熯x薜躻-戲蹺鮸褾;氕衯躑`嘼3"G 'e\昮H柊O 話ㄩ恬愪'$劘i_wp伬 >*靺8魂i&丩Y%\鋁,楎謝視=矚伭壵阱綔 r6f 提3儲淭厥厰)橗:陋ZK誏玸ゅ&C 鏜兣軟0 [浪玴@注醏j扣7 媺耏咹唜Hi葷cT5A蕆跑@顢腍驇馴AZC磑i' RQ\m伕,zo,僩Q襲{Y\,Nψ/=溷ら嵿L _.跆嘫7C6韽-fS宄h62密"5咍麥罭H凾[X65太4X%Y龡豚殖2纅鷎h輩紳痠~tCKF#猥b +趙1m鑵4`眹!:U翞!昿5a:倊{4韒笫m蝘o 萎c杽8m泛D矹秔S槍姍豓1鋣?#S奿?3E'pS2疳W`る甸q]( ┻08樲w別 n撏A鯴[s枃)k8皓= Aa?R d趻刪c楿詠瞬d)#換ueb恾滿捷C!ず&i0福>4魫S7鋥z蟣 F箎 4sKvUKo瘸椒h垀1砵YU奧V蠬塔5U8錠k;譁潘鮈9堚寂皹D 荀 ?*|FL 迪鱤"A3兇伂>g類dm2iV值殍そ杕謌<殞r8[kv抶熞蠃p鎶sj,潩z傴礭[鑚堨靉Qv11縤u鈨-高0%M2羙J描3u舘%覎PK! 褠煻'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.rels剰M 0匃倃oo雍&輬協勪5 6?$Q祉 ,.嘺緳i粭澤c21h:闀q毩m胳嶡RN壻;d癭値o7g慘(M&$R(.1榬'J摐袏T鶂8V"&A然蠬鱱}狇|$絙{朠除8塯/]As賲(⑵銻#洩L蔥漢倪PK-!倞[Content_Types].xmlPK-!ブх6 +_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!mQtheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! 褠煻' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] *       餈    @餏 :(  餠B  C D"?餠B  C D"?餠B  C D"?餠B  C D"?餠B  C D"?餠B  C D"?餠B  C D"?餠B  C D"?餠B  C D"?餠B  C D"? 餠B  C D"? 養 S  ?餒0(  _#=X t !t !t !t !tX t X tX t X t X t  @ t _Hlt124137787@3|X炫f4|Xl苀<@>*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PersonName h ProductID3u鮦ZPT3u鮦ZP %7 <AJN_ 1;"&wxxzz{{}~xxzz{{}~s=wxxzz{{}~wxxzz{{}~W;"QR]nN 劙凱8^劙`凱56CJ$o(,{鄗凘劺@^凘`劺56CJPJo(. 勑0^勑`056CJo(..刞劆`^刞`劆56CJPJo(... 勷^勷`黲( .... 剙剙^剙`剙鷁( ..... 勷^`勷鷒( ...... 劆刞^劆`刞鷒(....... 0勑0^0`勑鵲(........W;"Q$#9q8 鶶 3 %哅8 >H??DKTF齳VTLZ/\@w]|ak,o|j}鸅~=+h趉琝4VXM鴎v'刡縌.繿0m#3xz@xB@XX@X XXUnknownG*郃x Times New Roman5Symbol3. *郈x Arial;(媅SOSimSun;= 鷟8褳SOSimHei]5  N媅_GB2312Arial Unicode MSA$BCambria Math 1h贀鴨D,I'邠鴨[ [ !-!),.:;?]}    & 6"0000 0 0 00000 =@\]^([{  0 0 00000;[個uu2僸HP?刡2!xxN禰╟P冡O Letter of Recommendationzrt XiTongTianDi 鄥燆鵒h珣+'遲0  < H T `lt|$專家推薦信 Letter of RecommendationzrtNormalXiTongTianDi16Microsoft Office Word@頜u]@已苮]@.>饂]@鏿T[脹諟.摋+,0 X`lt| zrt u   !"#$%&'()*+,-./012456789:<=>?@ABERoot Entry F牓ErTGData 1Tablet)WordDocument2*SummaryInformation(3DocumentSummaryInformation8;CompObju F#Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 文檔 MSWordDocWord.Document.89瞦